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What is an Health insurance ?

Nobody is unaware about the ever rising exorbitant costs of medical expenses, health insurance offers financial support in uncertain medical requirements- It prevents a medical emergency from turning into a financial emergency. Health insurance ensures that health care needs are taken care of without depleting one’s savings and compromising one’s future goals. Health Insurance Plan usually covers medical expenses during hospitalization along with pre and post hospitalization expenses depending on plan details. Different plan covers facilities differently like Sub Limits, Maternity Cover etc so it becomes more important to go in details while choosing a plan

With the improvement in healthcare and the rising inflation the cost of health care has also increased. So having a health insurance policy has become essential. However, there are many health insurance policies in India and before buying a policy one should compare health insurance policies and then go for the one that would suit ones needs. The lower price of the premium should not be the only criteria. Every person must buy a good health plan that covers medical costs, hospitalization costs, treatment and laboratory test costs and even critical illness

Health Insurance Plans

Floater Plan

These plans are frequently provided as riders to standard health insurance plans, which provide coverage for hospitalization and reimbursement of medical expenses, in [...]
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Individual Plan

This Health plan covers entire hospitalization, coverage details depend on the Sum Assured taken and premium paid. This health insurance policy is designed [...]
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Accidental Plan

These plans are frequently provided as riders to standard health insurance plans, which provide coverage for hospitalization and reimbursement of medical expenses, in [...]
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